
Copy of Mentoring Guide Slideshow Design 2022.png Copy of Mentoring Guide Slideshow Design 2022.png

The Career Advancement and Mentoring Guide aims to help faculty members plan their careers, advance at UM, and reach their professional goals. It also serves to inform two additional and critical community members: those who mentor faculty, and leaders responsible for supporting faculty advancement. Designed to inform advancement and mentoring initiatives, the guide compiles information and resources from various sources.

Click here to view the Career Advancement and Mentoring Guide

National Academies

The National Academies provides research-informed mentoring guidelines in Effective Mentoring in STEMM, including in podcast form.

Entering Mentoring

The Entering Mentoring training book by Christine Pfund, Janet Branchaw and Jo Handelsman for research mentors working with trainees across all levels, including junior faculty. Utilized by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research for their training programs, it offers strategies to strengthen mentoring and for addressing challenging mentoring situations. 

Re-Thinking Mentoring Session

This National Center for Faculy Development & Diversity (NCFDD) session presents best practices in mentoring, including the value of building a broad network of mentors and supports. Topics include: How to Build Communities of Inclusion, Support and Accountability, Mentoring Pre-Tenure Faculty, and Post-Tenure Mentoring. Click here to access the Re-Thinking Session. This webinar requires an NCFDD. To activate your free University of Miami membership, click here


For additional resources to guide mentoring, please visit our Plan for Career Advancement page.
