Policies & Procedures

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  • Academic Bulletin
  • Academic Calendar
  • Faculty Manual

    The Faculty Manual sets forth principles and procedures which protect our academic freedom, specifies our rights to participate in the governance of the University, and establishes the Faculty Senate. Its provisions are part of a faculty member’s contract with the University.

    Click here to access the Faculty Manual

  • Religious Holy Day

    The University of Miami, although a secular institution, is determined to accommodate those students who wish to observe religious holy days. It seeks to reflect its awareness of and sensitivity to religious holy days whenever possible when scheduling University activities. 

    Click here to access the Religious Holy Day Policy

  • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

    Under the FMLA, faculty members are eligible for up to 12 weeks of family and medical leave during a 12-month period. The University of Miami uses a 12-month look-back period in determining entitlement for FMLA. The different types of qualifying leaves and their corresponding benefits are outlined below.

    Types of Family and Medical Leave:

    • For the birth and care of the newborn child of an employee;
    • For placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care;
    • To care for an immediate family member (i.e., spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition; or
    • To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition.
    • For any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that an employee’s family member is on (or has been notified of an impending call to) covered active duty in the Armed Forces.


     If you would like to submit an FMLA request, please visit the Forms page.

  • Special Compensation

    The University of Miami Board of Trustees, through its Audit and Compliance Committee, mandated a review of faculty non-base pay compensation arrangements (“special compensation”) that increase a faculty member’s overall compensation. This review had to include a determination of the types of special compensation that exists, eligibility for special compensation, and how amounts are computed. The review was to conclude with guidance for the granting of faculty special compensation arrangements and a process by which these arrangements are reviewed and approved. The aim of this policy is to provide the administration with oversight; create, to the extent possible, consistency across schools and departments; and to ensure equal access to “special compensation” for Coral Gables and Rosenstiel School faculty.

    Click here to review the Faculty Compensation Policy

    Click here to review FAQs 

    Click here to acess the Faculty Special Compensation Exception Request Form

  • Honorary Degrees

    An honorary degree is one of the most significant accolades that an institution can confer. It is the policy of the University of Miami to confer honorary degrees on a selective basis upon distinguished individuals who merit special recognition for their transformative achievement or innovation in a field or activity aligned with the mission of the University of Miami. Although alumni or individuals affiliated with the University may be nominated, this is not a requirement. 

    Click here to view the Honorary Degree Policy

    If you would like to submit an honorary degree receipient nomination form, please visit the Forms page.

  • Distinguished Presidential Scholars and Fellows

    The University has established the Distinguished Presidential Scholars and Fellows initiative as part of its efforts to attract some of the world’s most accomplished scholars and thinkers to interact with the University community. These individuals are external to the University of Miami and are invited to contribute their unique perspectives and talents to the University’s mission of fostering inquiry, expanding knowledge, and pursuing novel solutions to urgent issues.

    Nominees for Distinguished Presidential Scholars will ordinarily be individuals whose professional endeavors have led to significant contributions within academia and advancements within their own fields of research, whether marked by teaching, scientific discovery, scholarly publications, achievement in the arts, or interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

    Nominees for Distinguished Presidential Fellows will ordinarily be individuals whose personal and professional endeavors have made significant impact on the lives of others through their commitment to leadership, which could take many forms including, but not limited to: civic engagement, public service, entrepreneurship, innovation, international development, entertainment and culture, or transformational change.

    The opportunity to nominate exceptional individuals to serve as Distinguished Presidential Scholars or Distinguished Presidential Fellows is open to the University community. All nominated candidates will be reviewed by the Office of Faculty Affairs and, where appropriate, nominations will be shared with the relevant Deans and Chairs for consultation with their faculty prior to approaching the candidate with an invitation.

    If you would like to submit a Distinguished Presidential Scholars and Fellows nomination form, please visit the Forms page.

  • Human Resources Benefits & Payroll
  • Moving Allowance

    The purpose of this policy is to establish the lump sum dollar limit that is provided through approvals to a newly hired employee (staff or faculty) for moving and relocation expenses.

    Click here to access the Moving Allowance Policy

  • Courtesy Appointments

    A courtesy appointment should be requested for visiting scholars who are collaborating on academics, research, or scholarship with a University of Miami faculty sponsor. These appointments are unpaid and are valid for a period of up to one calendar year. Approval of the appointment will facilitate access to select University resources and can be renewed annually.

    If you would like to submit a courtesy appointment application, please visit the Forms page.

  • Sabbatical

    The University of Miami sabbatical leave program is intended, insofar as University resources are available, to provide regular sabbaticals every seven years for eligible faculty to engage in research, writing, or other sustained activity of an academic nature.

    Refer to section C16 of the Faculty Manual for details on eligibility and terms of sabbatical leave.

    Click Here to Access the Faculty Manual

    If you would like to submit a sabbatical leave application, please visit the Forms page.

  • Sexual Misconduct

    Sexual Misconduct includes Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sex- or Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Assault (including Sexual Battery), Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Harassment, and Stalking. The University is committed to preventing Sexual Misconduct and to creating an environment where all individuals know how to report an incident of Sexual Misconduct. Visit the Unversity's It's On Us website for additional resources. 

    Click here to access the University's Sexual Misconduct Policy

    Click here to access the University's Nepotism/Consensual Relationships Policy

    Click here to access the University's Sexual Misconduct Reporting Procedures

    Click here to view the It's On Us infographic for overcoming sexual misconduct and gender discrimination

  • Retirement

    If you are considering retirement, we recommend you contact HR-Total Rewards at least 60 days prior to your anticipated retirement date to meet certain transferable benefit deadlines. Your Chair/Dean will require written notification of your intent to retire. Any other questions should be directed to the Office of Faculty Affairs.

    Click here to access a retirement benefits checklist, eligibility information, seminars, and other resources to aid in planning for retirement

  • Emeritus Faculty

    For members of the UNIVERSITY FACULTY holding the rank of Associate or Full Professor who retire effective June 1, 2022 or thereafter EMERITUS status will be conferred at the time of retirement if following conditions are satisfied: a) the faculty member has been employed by the University of Miami for a total of at least ten years full-time service at any time prior to retirement; b) the faculty member has applied to his or her relevant department or in nondepartmentalized schools, the relevant voting faculty for emeritus status and the voting faculty vote to support that application; and, c) the faculty member has demonstrated distinguished service to the University community through excellent scholarship, teaching or other contributions to the field and University. Upon a favorable vote of the relevant faculty, the relevant dean shall write a letter evaluating the application and forwarding it to the Provost and President for action. Should the President or Provost reject the recommendation of the faculty, either or both shall explain their reasons in writing and forward that explanation to the relevant Dean for communication to the faculty. The President may be petitioned for the award of emeritus status to retired members of the GENERAL FACULTY and academic administrative personnel.

    Refer to section C2.6 of the Faculty Manual.

    Click Here to Access the Faculty Manual

  • New Faculty Hiring and Onboarding Guide

    This guide outlines best practices, checklists, resources, and services to facilitate a clear, coordinated, and consistent hiring and onboarding process. It also includes suggestions and guidance specifically for department chairs to use when onboarding new faculty.

    Click here to access the New Faculty Hiring & Onboarding Guide

  • Add Additional Job Guide

    This guide assists school and college liaisons in determining whether or not to add an additional job or add activity pay on the primary job for an individual taking on a faculty role in their unit. It also outlines the necessary requirements for getting both options approved.

    Click here to access the Add Additional Job Guide

  • Honor Code, Graduate Honor Code, & Academic Integrity Policy

    Information about the University of Miami’s Undergraduate and Graduate Honor Codes, as well as Academic Integrity Policy, are available on the Student Affairs- Dean of Students’ website.


Additional University of Miami policies and procedures can be accessed through the Unviersity's PolicyStat website.
