Faculty Affairs Forms & Policies

Affiliates & Other Appointments

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Compensation & Payroll

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  • 9 over 12 Payroll Option

    Coral Gables/Rosenstiel School full-time 9-month faculty in the REGULAR, EDUCATOR, RESEARCH, or Lecturer track have the option of receiving their base salary payments over 12 months. Requests to switch to the 9 over 12 payroll option are accepted each spring during the open enrollment period.

    Open Enrollment Period: February 1st - March 31st

    Eligible faculty will receive notification via email and a link will be made available below during the open enrollment period above. Faculty already enrolled in the plan do NOT need to take any further action to remain in their current plan.

  • Special Compensation

    The University of Miami Board of Trustees, through its Audit and Compliance Committee, mandated a review of Coral Gables/Rosenstiel School faculty non-base pay compensation arrangements (“special compensation”) that increase a faculty member’s overall compensation.

    Special compensation that increases a faculty member’s total annual compensation by more than a third of their base salary will require approval. To submit a request, please use the form below.

Leaves & Workload Relief

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Offer Letter Templates


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Promotion & Advancement

Please refer to our Promotion & Tenure page for further information and related resources.

For a comprehensive list of all University of Miami policies, please visit the PolicyStat website.
